Tips to decorate your home based on your personality

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Whenever we have to define the house interior design, we tend to flow with the trends. We never look after the fact that the overall interior design ideas suits our personality or not. So now, let’s take some time for us and our home and bring our own personality to it. After all, our home is the where we live and it should be designed according to us.

Create A gallery wall: It’s always better to have a gallery wall in your home. You can display the artwork, photographs, posters, tickets, degree, inspirational quotes or anything persona; on the wall. Also, if you are unable to find a space to put your memorial stuff, simply get a shelf, hang it on the wall and display that item on it.

Highlight your hobbies: If you have any kind of hobby, please don’t hide it and display it in your home. Whether you’re a fan of music or have a habit to collect something, you must show it to the visitors. You can either hang it or display it on the shelf.

Play with patterns: Everyone has a different personality and that’s why you can’t expect from them to like the same colour or pattern. Therefore, while defining your interior design, try to bring all those colours and patterns inside your home.

Include the open shelving: Open shelving allows you to display some personal pieces on it. It will accessible and everyone will be able to notice it. You can even play with its colour, shape and size. Play around the items by grouping them according to their type and feel.

Bringing your personality to your home decor is really important. Therefore, follow these tips and make sure that your home interior design feels uniquely you.

Do you have more tips to highlight your personality in your house? If so, share them with us!


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